CLIENT | Atherton Homes

STATUS | Completed 2017
KLA was the landscape architect on a new — acre neighborhood park to serve the residences of the Atherton Homes at Woodward Park Subdivision. This park utilizes a variety of forms, textures, and colors that are brought to life through the use of broad sweeps of cobble, decomposed granite, and plant material. This park design integrates park amenities include individual play structures for the 2-5 age group and the 5-12 age group, sport court with basketball hoop for neighborhood pick-up games, shady picnic and seating areas, and a large multi-use basin. In addition, future phases of this project will provide connections to the bike path along Atherton Drive and expansion of the basin and upland areas to the north. KLA provided full construction documents for the hardscape design – detailing the upland park grading and full planting and irrigation design.